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Very cool and creepy game nice job! :) 

amazing game I rate this 5 stars! Very well done... so when do they plan to release the full game?

Horrifying. Very well done. Would love to see more. 

O jogo ainda está sendo desenvolvido? alguma novidade?

really nice demo!!!!! 6/10


Was a great game! Was surprised by the ingenuity of the puzzle part of it. But the atmosphere and everything was done well and it was a pretty spooky game! Would definitely love ot see more of it.

I really liked this! it had good sound design and moments to creep me out and kind of reminded me of a haunted house experience! 

Awesome little demo here with a frightening atmosphere, great audio usage, amazing environment, and horrifying game play. Definitely enjoyed this small experience and really hope you keep up the incredible work in the future

My girlfriend and I really enjoyed this one. She is new to horror and gaming so I thought this would be perfect to help get her into it. She really liked it! Playthrough attached if you're interested in our playthrough. Have a good day! 

i played this game and i wish it was a bit longer cuz i enjoyed it

I did not play the game at full volume and it was still really scary. Well made developer! I love the fact you gave the option to remove grain. Just like everyone else in the comment section, I'm hoping the full game get released soon.

2 years Dev! TTwwooo yyeeaarrrsss!!!! I'm assuming an update or full release of the game is not foreseen in the future. But for some reason, this game climbed up the pages of! Pretty straightforward indie horror game. The feel of the game felt spooky and the flow was smooth. But I wonder, does that crucifix even help at all?? Haha I hope you develop more soon!

Great work!

Can't wait for the full game


I Really Enjoyed The Face Of That Sexy Lady❤❤❤❤DON'T DO IT 👇👇👇👇

I like this game it had a nice feel to it. It wasn't the scariest but that might be because its a demo. But overall it was good, the puzzle to opening the door wasn't completely clear at first and the door got suck but it was still a good game. Keep us posted on the release of the full game. I'm exciter to see what you do with it. 

i loved the game can't wait to see what you do with it in the future

Nice game

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So scary one

This quick demo was awesome and we can't wait for the final version of the game. You really scared us!

Thanks for the experience!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for making this DEMO, you were very right to suggest us to use headsets for a scarier experience and it was indeed, scary. The sounds and ambience broke my usual calm self to deliver me a nice horror encounter. The puzzles were easy but smoothly done, I only had an issue with the ball moving way too fast, but resolved it quickly. Nicely done and I hope to play the final version of your game. 

I really enjoyed the game, the atmosphere, the everything was great :)

The spooks got me and the sound really got to me! Could use some polish in some areas in terms of the door catching me. But overall it's a good game! I look forward to the full version! 


how the hell I'm supposed to orient myself when it gets dark, is beyond me. The audio doesn't help at all. 1/10

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Good luck with your development on the game, I won't be playing the full version though. Here's my vid, so yeah..

Okay this game is really really fun and I had such a fun time with this video! I really hop eyou all enjoy :) 

Интересная, короткая игра. Про доставщика посылок.

Cool little game!  Will definitely play the full version when it releases. 

Short game that literally scared the SH!T out of me. I didn't really understand why there was a cross, but it did play a part of building up what was going to happen. Here's my gameplay.

Start at 3:17 to skip the full intro. 

Really loved this game and can't wait for more! Good Job! 😁👍

This was a really well made demo. I had no idea what was going on, but its a good thing my character did. It created a really good atmosphere, which is what really makes a horror game good for me. I wish you the best of luck with this project and can't wait to see what you do with it. Here is a link to my video if interested:

When will the full game be released, im really excited for it plus i uploaded my take on the game. feel free to check it out!

It's a shame that the game ended so quickly. I would like to play longer and screamers too. i play in russian. The game starts at 00:10

Loved this teaser. Great atmosphere, jump scares, small puzzles and story. Looking forward to final product. 

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